Happy, Healthy Pets Get Pet Shirts

Say goodbye to the Cone Of Shame… and hello to the happy pet Shirt!

We’ve all had a good chuckle at ‘cone of shame’ memes, but after those five minutes of fun, it usually becomes clear that the cone is anything but comfortable… In fact, it’s usually quite scary for our beloved pets.

There is a fantastic alternative to the cone of shame though. Pet parents around the world are discovering all the benefits of medical pet Shirts and sleeves and they’re finding that their furkids are happier than ever – and now, finally, you can buy these in South Africa too.

Cone Of Shame vs. Pet Shirts  

There’s a world of difference between the old-school ‘Elizabethan collar’ or cone of shame, and modern pet Shirts and sleeves, also known as dog shirts, pet shirts, or medical pet apparel.

The “cone of shame” can be extremely traumatic

  • A large, unfamiliar object that gets in the way of normal movement
  • Often makes it difficult to reach food and water bowls
  • It amplifies sounds, creating even more fear and confusion
  • Uncomfortable, disturbs sleep, and often doesn’t completely keep the affected area safe or prevent the pet from licking their wounds

Pet Shirts & Pet Sleeves

  • Snug and close-fitting so it doesn’t get in the way, or catch on other surfaces
  • No strange, uncomfortable new objects to deal with
  • Completely normal movement, eating and drinking
  • Helps keep the affected area clean and protected

Pet Shirts are preferred by international veterinarians. The innovation has taken a little longer to reach South Africa, but we’re here to make sure SA pets have access to the full range of caring, comfort and wellbeing.

Love Your Pet

As pet parents, we know the worry and stress that we all experience when our beloved pets injure themselves or have to have an operation, and the importance of making their healing process as quick and pain-free as possible.

We have spent a lot of time and energy researching the various options, and we’re confident that the Shirts we selected are the best quality and the best solution available. They may cost a little more than the old cone of shame, but the extra value they add is immense, and they really are a great in-Shirt-ment as they help your pet’s healing and avoid extra stress for you and your four-legged friends. You can also keep the Shirts for years and re-use them if you ever need to.

When to use a medical pet Shirt or sleeve

Medical pet Shirts and sleeves are suitable after any surgery, including caring for your pet after they have been neutered or spayed, and if they have an injury or wound that needs to be kept clean and safe.

These pet Shirts and sleeves will stop them from licking the wound or surgical site, avoid stitches being bitten or pulled out, and keep the entire area clean. It also keeps the area safe from other pets (and kids) while allowing your pet to live a relatively normal life while they recover.

These medical pet shirts look and feel great, so your furkid will be stylish as well as comfortable. There’s a range of 14 Shirts and sleeves, so you can choose the best option and the best fit for your pet’s situation.

Speak to your vet about their plans so you can choose the best post-surgery care for your beloved pooch, and take a look at our range of medical apparel to find the best option. We’re so pleased to be bringing this simple yet life-changing option to South African pet owners and vets. Get in touch if you have any questions about the the pet Shirts, or if you’d like to discuss which would be best for you and your pet.  

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