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Incorrect Location

4 min read

To explain how the trackers work – there are multiple systems they use to get a location. #

Your pet tracker uses a combination of location methods depending on whether your pet is indoors or outdoors. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  1. GPS (Global Positioning System):
    GPS is the most accurate method, particularly outdoors, where the tracker has an unobstructed view of the sky. It may take a few moments to connect, especially if the tracker hasn’t moved in a while. To conserve battery life, the tracker stops searching for a GPS signal if none is found after a short period. However, it will try again at the next location update interval or when you press ‘Locate.’
  2. WiFi Location (Indoors):
    When GPS is unavailable indoors, the tracker will attempt to use WiFi signals. This is less accurate but provides a general location within 30–100 meters. The app will display a ‘WiFi’ marker when using this method. You can help improve WiFi accuracy by walking around your property with Google Maps open to update Google’s WiFi database.
  3. LBS (Cell Tower-Based Location):
    If neither GPS nor WiFi is available, the tracker will rely on nearby cellphone towers. While this method is less precise, it can still provide a general area and will show an ‘LBS’ marker in the app.
  4. Movement Detection to Save Battery:
    The tracker has an accelerometer that detects movement. If your pet isn’t moving, the tracker won’t update its location to conserve battery life. When movement is detected again, it will attempt to update the location based on the interval you’ve set.

Practical Tips for Finding a Lost Pet #

When trying to locate a lost pet, all location information is useful, even if it’s not pinpoint accurate. Here’s how to make the most of it:

  1. Interpreting Location Types:
    • LBS or WiFi signals may indicate your pet is indoors, in which case the exact location could be off by several meters. Use this as a hint that your pet might be inside a nearby building or in an area where GPS is unavailable.
    • In such cases, activate the ring feature on your tracker to help you locate your pet by sound.
  2. Battery Power is Key:
    It’s essential to maintain as much battery life as possible. If your pet goes missing, having enough battery power allows the tracker to keep updating its location, giving you the best chance of finding them. Regularly charge the tracker to avoid running out of power at a critical moment.
  3. Narrowing the Search Grid:
    In most cases, even one location update—whether from GPS, WiFi, or LBS—can significantly narrow down the search area. You can use this information to create a search grid and then use tools like the tracker’s ring feature to hone in on the exact location.
  4. Statistically, Pets Go Missing Outdoors:
    Pets are more likely to go missing outdoors, where GPS signals are easier to come by. A GPS coordinate can help you quickly pinpoint their location or at least provide a starting point for your search. Keep this in mind when interpreting the data provided by the tracker.

Troubleshooting Common Issues #

  1. Inaccurate WiFi Location (Indoors):
    If the tracker connects to a WiFi hotspot and shows an incorrect location, the WiFi data might be outdated. Over time, Google will update this, but you can help speed up the process by walking around your property with Google Maps open to update the WiFi location.
  2. Incorrect LBS Location:
    If the tracker is indoors and relies on LBS, the location may be imprecise. This method only provides a general area and depends on the distance from the nearest cell tower.
  3. Incorrect GPS Location (Outdoors):
    If the GPS location seems off, check what type of location marker is displayed (‘GPS’, ‘WiFi’, or ‘LBS’).
    • If GPS is shown, take the tracker outdoors in an open area to get a clearer signal.
    • If problems persist, contact our support team for further assistance.

Improving Tracking Accuracy: #

  • For outdoor tracking, ensure the tracker has a clear line of sight to the sky for better GPS accuracy.
  • Indoors, use WiFi or LBS to get a general idea of where your pet might be, and use the tracker’s ring feature to help find them.
  • Keep the tracker charged to ensure it can continuously provide location updates.
  • Help improve WiFi accuracy by walking around your property with Google Maps open.
  • If location updates seem consistently off, consider resetting the tracker and reviewing your app settings.

If you have further questions or issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help!

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